Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creation waits with eager longing

I LOVE being outside, especially during the fall.  Fall in Minnesota is pretty much the reason that I love to live here.

I had planned today out in my head and filled it with a lot of laundry, organization and cleaning.  However, after breaking up multiple fights and cleaning up banana slices that were vigorously thrown at the floor (with a smirk) all before 7am, I quickly decided that plans were going to have to change if I was going to remain sane. 

I decided it was a good day to take the kids on a fall adventure/scavenger hunt.  I borrowed an idea from a friend and made the two big kids a picture list of eight things they should search for on our adventure.  I called up my mom to see if she wanted to join us, and she did, so we headed down to Lebanon Hills and picked her up along the way.

I love Lebanon Hills because they have a lot of great unpaved paths that are long enough to keep the kids occupied for a while, but short enough for their little legs to not grow weary.  I used to walk there frequently when I was fresh out of college and got to know the trails pretty well. 

I got my little dude all set in the Kelty carrier and got the other two kiddos their lists and we were off!

We saw lots of leaves, geese, dogs, rocks, birds and flowers.  We saw some milkweed and got to explain how the seeds come out and fly with the wind so that they can grow somewhere else.  We listened to the different kinds of sounds that various types of birds make.  We heard lots of airplanes (a constant reminder that we are still very much in the "city") but couldn't see them because it was so foggy. 

Checking out the milkweed

It was so much fun.  The kids did great, which made me really happy.  It was so nice to be able to share one of my favorite things with them and start teaching them about God's amazing creation.

Little dude had a fun time hanging out on my back

Most of my favorite childhood memories are of hiking and swimming with my family at Flandrau State Park.  We used to take the "Dam Trail" all the time and thought it was hilarious that we got to say dam and not get in trouble.

I am so excited to spend time exploring with my kids.  Sometimes I have to watch my thoughts because I get anxious for them to be bigger so that we can go on longer hikes, but I don't want to wish away this time while they are young.  They are taking in so much right now and everything is a learning experience.  It would be so much fun to see the world through their eyes.  

Grandma and Rory

As we were about halfway through the trail, I thought to myself, I never would have attempted this a year ago.  I would have been far too tired, far too exhausted and would have spent the day inside instead.  The changes I am making, although extremely difficult at times, are allowing me to help my kiddos form the same love of the outdoors that I grew up with and still have.  I hope to have many more days like today, and hopefully, someday James and I will have the same days off so we can have the entire family together.  I love getting out with the kiddos, but it is always a little bit sad when daddy isn't there, especially when I know he would love to be.

I think they had a good time judging by the trip home.

We finished the day off as we do every Saturday and headed to church.  I don't typically find myself writing anything down during the service, but today there were two quotes by our pastor Jason Strand that I had to write down so that I would remember them.  Our current series, Talk to Me, is about prayer, something that I've been trying to spend a lot more time and energy on lately.  Here are the two quotes that struck a chord with me
  • "We don't try God, we worship God"
  • "Persistence moves the heart and the hand of God"
We shouldn't be praying to God as a last resort, we should be praying because He is God and we desire to be in a genuine relationship with Him.  I know that I frequently forget this in some areas of my life and I try to make it on my own and only turn to Him when I realize that I can't cut it.  I'm so thankful for his unfailing love and grace.  I've been thinking so much about grace lately and it just completely blows my mind.  I'm sure I'll write a post about it soon.

What are you trying to handle on your own that you need to turn over to God?  My challenge for you today is to stop reading this right now and pray.  Not only for that thing, but that you would remember to seek him always and pray not just when you need something, but because you want to be close to Him.  

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV


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