Saturday, April 21, 2012


I am seriously overwhelmed by the love, encouragement and support that I have received from so many people after making my blog "public".  It means so much to me to know that there are people out that that believe in me and want me to succeed.

I am more driven than ever to make this a success story.

I hit a big milestone yesterday.  I stepped on the scale in the morning and the number at the front had changed!  299.0, I haven't seen a 2 at the front of the scale for at least six years, so I was super excited to see that.

Week 9 Day 1 was completed this morning.  I couldn't believe the amazing sense of peace that I had as I made my way around the lake, very slowly.  I didn't care about how fast I was going, I only cared that I was doing it.  Major progress and obviously the result of many prayers! 

I prayed for the rain to hold off until I completed my run and He did one better and gave me some sunshine as I was finishing up.  Nearly everyone I met gave me a smile and a heartfelt good morning.  It is amazing what a smile from a stranger can do.  

Near the end of my run the song "Christ is Risen" by Matt Maher came on.  In the first verse of the song, there is a lyric that says "But fix our eyes upon the cross, and run to Him who showed great love".  I need to remember to keep that in my head as I get to the points in my run where I feel like I can't keep going. 

That is about all I have for today.  The best daycare provider in the world has all three of the kiddos on a Saturday "Parent's Day" and there is much to be done! 

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