Thursday, May 31, 2012

On the Mend

Hello, friends!

I'm sorry it has been so long, but I think I have a decent excuse.  Our house was beaten to the ground by the stomach flu last week.  My 2 year old woke up around 11pm last Wednesday night puking and puked until about 3:30 am, so I got about 3 hours of sleep on Wednesday night.  Needless to say, the only thing I could think of at the end of the day on Thursday (a normal running day) was crawling into my bed, and that is exactly what I did.  I came home to find out that the littlest one had thrown up a few times during the day but seemed to be doing ok. 

Friday was a beautiful day, I was looking forward to the weekend.  I had a great lunch with some co-workers at Bona, a Vietnamese restaurant on the University of Minnesota Campus.  We got back to the office and I did a little bit of work and then my boss asked if I was busy.  I wasn't and she said, "go home, Happy Memorial Day"!  I questioned her once, but then gladly accepted the offer and was on my way out the door.  I stopped at Old Navy on my way home to hit up the Memorial Day sale and buy some goods for the family.  As I was on my way home, I started to feel a little bit yucky.  I got in the door and everyone was still napping.  My husband asked me for some Tums and water.  I brought them to him and about two minutes later he was running for the bathroom and bowing to porcelain throne.  About an hour and a half later, I joined in.  It is a lot of fun trying to keep three little kids occupied while both parents are puking and completely nauseous.

Thankfully, we have the best family around who brought all the stomach flu necessities.  I think we were both so happy when all of the kids were in bed and we could just try to sleep.  The night was a bit rough, but Saturday was a bit better.  We were still both really nauseous so we pretty much just sat on the couch and watched movies all day long.  James and I took turns sleeping.  Rory was so sweet, she kept trying to make me feel better.  Sunday we took it easy again, still not feeling great.  I think the only thing I had to eat/drink between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening was a glass of Gatorade, a can of Ginger Ale and a few saltines. 

We all needed to get out of the house on Sunday afternoon so we decided to take a drive down to Prescott, WI so that the kiddos could see all the boats on the river.  We ate a Dairy Queen.  I thought I was doing ok, but I stared at the menu and nothing sounded at all appetizing.  I finally decided that a hot dog sounded good....not sure where that came from, but I was able to eat it.

Monday, Memorial Day, we had a nice morning trying to clean up the disaster that our house had become over the past couple of days.  Then we decided to head over to Lake Phalen for a picnic with some Jimmy John's subs.  We got there at the perfect time, it got extremely busy after we finished our lunch.  The kids had a fun time playing on the playground and we took a little bit of a walk so they could burn off some energy.  There was a Hmong graduation party going on in the big picnic shelter and I had to take Rory to the bathroom and I realized that they were singing a song in Hmong, but the melody was really familiar.  I stopped to listen a bit closer and realized that they were singing "Come Thou Fount".  I'm an emotional girl and I got a bit misty eyed as I listened to them.  I just thought it perfectly displayed what Memorial Day is all about.  We remember the people that fight for our freedom so that we are free to do things like worship God in public places without fear of being murdered or imprisoned like so many Christians are in other areas of the world.  It was really beautiful. 

During the whole stomach flu debacle, my allergies turned into a sinus infection.  I finally caved and went to the doctor on Tuesday evening so that I could get some antibiotics to try and get rid of this garbage.  My body has just been beat down over the past week and a half and I'm trying to recover, but knew that I needed/wanted to get out for a run.  I got out tonight and jogged for about a mile and a half and then walked for about three.  It is going to take a while to work myself back up to where I was, but I'm confident that it will be done.

The scale reads 298.6 today.  I thought for sure I would have lost more with all the puking and not eating, but I'll take it. 

I think that is all I'll bore you with today.  I'll leave you with a song that I can't get out of my head.  FYI, The Loft Sessions by Bethel is quickly becoming my favorite worship album, you should check it out if you like worship music that doesn't sound like worship music.

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