Thursday, May 17, 2012

I let them win

I am feeling a tad bit of regret and shame, not a whole lot, but a wee bit.  I'm really not feeling great today, my allergies are still kicking the snot out of me, my throat hurts, my muscles are sore and I'm just plain old tired.  However, it turned out to be a beautiful night with a warm breeze and warm breezes on a spring/summer night are kind of one of my favorite things, so I had to get out.  I decided to head out for a walk without my music and just enjoy the sounds of the neighborhood. 

There is a parkway near our house so I decided I was going to walk to that and do a short, really slow run the length of the parkway and walk back home to at least get out and get moving.  So I'm jogging along and came across three angst ridden, Avril Lavigne loving (probably), teenage punks.  As I went by them I was completely expecting them to say something, but they didn't.  Then, as I was heading back the opposite direction, they were still there and the three of them lined up along the trail and started to oink at me.  I'd like to say that I brushed it off and just kept going, but I may have flipped them the bird as I ran by them.

I immediately felt ashamed and regretted my decision.  Of course, hindsight being 20/20, I came up with all kinds of better options.  I should have asked them to run along with me, all the way to my house, so that they could meet my husband.  I should have stopped to talk with them, to let them know that God could never love them more than he does right now, something that I forgot in that moment.  It is so easy to forget to love other people when they hurt us. 

If I had my ear buds in and my music on, I never would have heard them.  I guess I'm glad that it happened because I learned that no matter how much I want to tell myself that I'm not impacted negatively by other people, I still am.  I am sure I always will be.  It still gives me motivation to get myself to the point where people have no reason to oink at me as I run. 

I think with as many times as I was bullied as a kid and as many times as I continue to be "harassed" yet today, I've just lost my tolerance.  James and I were walking at the Mall of America a couple of weekends ago and we went through the food court and some teenage kids were in front of us.  It was two boys and a girl (same as tonight....spooky) and there was a man from one of the Asian restaurants offering samples and one of the boys turned around and pulled the corners of his eyes back and started mocking him.  My jaw dropped and I really had no control over the words that came out of my mouth.  I just said "Not O.K!  I don't care how old you are, that is so not O.K.".  They quickly scurried away, but I remained in disbelief.  How are we at a point, where in 2012, kids still think it is funny to make fun of people who look and sound different than them?  It breaks my heart and makes me worry for my children.  

I've always been one to defend the underdog.  I know that I need to have more grace for the people doing the teasing because they are obviously trying to fill a big void, but it is so hard to do!  I rarely call someone out, but when I hear someone bad mouthing another person, I just can't help myself.  

If you have kids, please, please, please, make sure they know that it is not OK to bully, tease, harass or demean someone else.  Give them the love that they require so that they don't feel the need to belittle someone else to feel better about themselves. 

I'll end my PSA now.  Thanks for reading and have a fabulous weekend!

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