Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hands and Feet

Today I completed Week 9 Day 2 of the Couch to 5K program.  I have one day left in the program.  I won't actually be running a 5K in the 30 minutes that the program ends with (I'm right around 2.25 miles), so I'll keep going in pursuit of that, but it is a pretty cool feeling to know that I will actually be finishing the program this time.  Third times the charm I guess.

I had a bit of a rough day on Monday.  The scale was back up to 302 after a weekend of normal eating.  I was really discouraged that two days of eating "normal" food can have such an impact.  James reminded me that a lot of it could be water weight, but it is still somewhat discouraging.  I've recovered and I'm looking forward, but I have a feeling I will be having many days like this in the future.

This week some of the worship team members from my church are in Haiti.  One of the main reasons I want to be healthier and reduce my weight is so that I can feel comfortable going on missions trips to places like Haiti.  They are there with an organization called Healing Haiti, which is a phenomenal organization doing so many wonderful things in Haiti. 

I believe that serving others is a huge and important piece of being a fully committed follower of Christ.  So often, I find myself getting caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of life and I forget to take the time to find ways to serve.  Most of my time is spent serving my husband and three small children during this season of life, but I have a strong desire to do more, specifically when it comes to orphans. 

Healing Haiti just built a beautiful new orphanage and I would love nothing more than to spend some time loving on those kiddos.  It breaks my heart when I stop and think about all of the little kids in this world who will never know the love of a parent.  A couple of months ago I was shopping for some vitamins for the kiddos in the orphanage to send with one of my friends headed to Haiti.  They can't be gummy vitamins so that they withstand the heat.  I stood there in Target looking at the vitamins for a good five minutes trying to find vitamins that weren't gummy and I just started to cry.  I am sure people thought I was a hot mess, but I just couldn't stop crying for the beautiful, orphaned children all over the world who don't have a mom to buy them vitamins or worry about their health.  As the body of Christ, we absolutely need to be doing this for them.  We need to be showing them the love of Jesus and that there are people out there that love them.  I want to be better about doing this, I want to actually make an impact and I need to make it a priority.

Another reason for getting healthy is that we hope to either adopt or be foster parents in the future.  Most international adoptions require the parents to be below a certain BMI, which neither of us are.  We don't know for sure that we would do an international adoption, but I want to be in a place that we can if it is what we are called to do.  We are praying about it and staying open to God's timing and direction in this area.  We have no idea how we would fund an adoption, but I am confident that God will provide a way for us to do it.  We have known since before we were married that adoption/fostering is something that God has placed on both of our hearts. 

I need to keep these things in mind when I want to turn towards food during times of frustration, stress, happiness, boredom, etc. 

So I'll end today's post with a challenge.  Find that area in your life that you are passionate about and find a way to serve!  If you have a favorite way to serve, please share :-)


1 comment:

  1. Tammy, I just wanted to say great job!! I did the C25K program for the first time last month. I ran my first 5K last weekend and it took me over 40 minutes. Just keep moving, it doesn't matter how slow you go. One of my favorite sayings is "an effort a day keeps failure away"...one day at a time! I love your reasons for getting healthier. Thank you for sharing so openly. It's such an encouragement!
