Friday, September 13, 2013

You Helped Provide Clean Water for Eight Kids!

You guys.

Look at this
I am blown away.  Look at these beautiful kids that you helped provide CLEAN & SAFE water for!!! 

My family and my Eagle Brook family have stepped up in a big way to say that they care about our brothers and sisters across the globe.  I love how generous my friends and family are - you guys are awesome, you know who you are. 

My goal is to add 18 more beautiful faces to this page, if you want to help add them, you've got 43 days to go here and be a part of the chance to change lives.

I promise I won't always talk about this, but I am just beyond excited today and really thankful to have so many wonderful people supporting and encouraging me.  Fundraising is EXTREMELY difficult for an introverted girl who usually takes pride in self-sufficiency, so I am so grateful for all of you who have given sacrificially to help keep me motivated during my runs. 

In other news, I am completely loving the weather we are experiencing in Minnesota lately.  Days like today are the reason I live here and put up with the other less desirable weather that we tend to experience.  Something in me just feels right when the sky is clear, the air is crisp and the temperature is in the 60's.  It takes a whole lot of restraint to not just hop in the car and head north and spend the day hiking through the woods of the Superior National Forest. 

I long for the crunch of the leaves, twigs and acorns beneath my feet.  I am so at home among the canopy of birch, aspen and white pine as rays of sunlight sneak their way in.  Exploring and enjoying God's creation has always been in my blood.  When I was growing up, I would spend the entire day outside, exploring the rows of trees in our backyard.  If it wasn't for a couple of really horrible science teachers in high school that destroyed any love of science I once had, I'm quite certain that I would have ended up working for the DNR. 

Alas, there will be no North Shore trip and the only way I'm getting any hiking in will be doing short nature walks and scavenger hunts at our local Regional and State Parks with my three little rascals.  They also love the outdoors, but their little legs can only go so far. 

We've been spending lots of time outside lately.

Here are some pictures from last weekend, when it was 90's and ridiculously humid

When it is 90 degrees outside, don't give the only bottle of water you brought along on your hike to a 2 year old who loves to play with water, you may regret it. 
And then today, six days later, 60's and lovely
$1 Lunchables at Target + Daddy Working a Double Shift = Picnic

 She grew up overnight I think
Her "silly" pose
I walked out of the bathroom this evening after I put all of the kiddos to bed and I stopped to look at this picture that hangs in a collage of pictures from Rory's first Thanksgiving (2008). (Mom Confession:  If you came into our home and only looked at pictures, you would probably think we only had one child.  I've got some serious catching up to do on the framing end of things.)

I have a hard time remembering how far I've come some times.  But today I stood there proudly as I realized how much progress I've made.
She doesn't fit so nicely in my arms anymore (and she has given up her evil plans to destroy the world), but we have a great time running, going down slides and attempting to do handstands together.
Every once in a while, when I've got the radio on in the car and I'm not paying attention, I'll catch a line or two in the middle of a song and I just kind of know that God is speaking to me.  Tonight as we were on our way to the park, I heard this
       It may not be the way I would have chosen
       When You lead me through a world that's not my home
       But You never said it would be easy
       You only said I'll never go alone

       (Ginny Owens - If You Want Me To) 

It has been so completely evident to me today by the support that has come pouring in that I am not alone in this.  Thank you for walking with me.  It is never taken for granted. 


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