Monday, February 18, 2013

Fashionable Footwear

So last Tuesday I went to the doctor because my left foot had been bugging me for a couple of weeks and I wasn't really seeing any improvement.  The doctor thought it was just strained and advised resting it for a week and making sure I was always wearing shoes with good arch support and a hard sole.  He said we could either do an x-ray right away or wait and see and do one after a week if there is no improvement.  I opted to do one right away since the main reason I was there was to rule out any type of fracture.

So we did the x-ray, he reviewed them, didn't see anything suspicious except for the fact that my 1st metatarsal (big toe) is wonky and bowed out.

He sent me on my way but said that the radiologist would do a more thorough read of my x-ray and they would get in touch with me if anything was found.

Last Thursday I got a phone call and a MyChart message from my clinic letting me know that the radiologist did see something more.  I tried to ignore it over the weekend and went ahead with my scheduled long run (4 miles) yesterday.  My run went really well, I actually ran the full four miles, (special thanks to the nice guy who gave me a thumbs up and a good job at about 3.25 miles, it was much needed and very helpful!) and my foot didn't hurt at all while I was running, but it was definitely sore after the fact.

So today I finally called the clinic back and headed in to see the nurse.

I guess that this (navicular avulsion fracture - a teeny little chip of bone detached)


Means I get to wear one of these awesome things for a week

The goal is to minimize movement so that the chip will calcify back onto the navicular. 

I realized how much I have grown in my feelings towards exercise with this news.  When I was in high school, news like this would have been pretty darn exciting for me.  I would have been happy to have a reason to not participate in basketball practice or gym class.  I wouldn't have cared one bit if I had to lay around being lazy for a while.  But now, the thought of having to wear this thing for just one short week without being able to run has made me very sad.

I am very thankful that it is a minor injury and one week is very little time for recovery, but it still really stinks.  I'm praying for a quick recovery and for the self-discipline to follow doctors orders so that it actually can heal.  I'm not always good at following doctors we'll see how that goes.  

Any ideas for ways to stay active with a CAM boot??? I'll take them :-) 


  1. Tammy-
    From someone who has spent many a day in one of the evil boots, I can say "I feel your pain"! If you want to stay "active" just try walking indoors, don't try it out side. For me the boot was a little taller than my regular shoe, so I limped a lot, this caused my knee, hip and back to hurt. Keep up the super awesome work!!!!


  2. Tammy,

    I had to wear one of those after foot surgery. No fun!! I sure hope it does the job and your foot feels better soon. Hang in there :)

    ~ Jen
