Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Your Doubt vs My Faith

Half marathon training started yesterday with a 30 minute run, which is pretty typical for me, so it was no big deal.  Things don't really start to progress until next week with a 4 mile run.  I don't think I've run more than 3 miles since October and the most I have ever done is 7, so I'll definitely be moving out of my comfort zone with this.

I can tell that people think I'm crazy and doubt that I will be able to do this, but that just makes me more determined to prove them wrong.  I am determined to succeed with this, the only thing that would stop me is some kind of injury, so I'm praying that I stay healthy.

I did my run yesterday on the treadmill and when I am on the treadmill, I like to listen to sermons from other churches.  I especially like to listen to Craig Groeschel from Life

I was listening to the last sermon in their recent series, My Story: Living the story you want to tell and it was the perfect thing to be listening to.  It was all about "going" when it is more comfortable to "stay".  For me, signing up for the half marathon is very much a "go" because it would be so much more comfortable for me to stay running at comfortable distances and staying inside of my comfort zone.  I've never run 13.1 miles before, so I'm going to have to trust God completely to help me get there.  I feel very strongly that this is something that he wants me to do.  He didn't mean for us to be comfortable, he meant for us to be faithful.  Pushing myself out of my comfort zone increases my dependence on him, which is exactly where I should be.   

Craig had a lot of great quotes in the message, but my favorite was this one:

"You don't have faith to finish, you just need to have the faith to start."

I thought that was perfect for embarking on this training program. 

I know that I won't be able to accomplish this without being focused on why I am doing this.  I'm doing this to bring Him glory, so that others can see the transformational power of God.  He will change your life if you let him. 

Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefor, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

The Tammy I knew a year ago, who could barely run for 90 seconds, never would have attempted to run a half marathon, but God is working me, growing my dependence on Him and giving me a desire to be healthier person, both spiritually and physically.  If you want to do something that is God honoring but don't think you can, just have faith and know that God will get you may not be on your timing, but he will be faithful.

What is God calling you to do?  Where does He want you to go?  


1 comment:

  1. Tammy: #1 Yes I think you're crazy (haha)
    #2 Yes I think you can do this!!! Go for it!!
