Monday, February 4, 2013

Change in Plans

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the Super Bowl.  I'm not sure I actually paid attention to any of the game or commercials, but had a lot of fun with my family.  My fun included a lot more food than one person should consume in any given day, but I had planned for a day off so I'm back at it this morning.

We're still passing the crud back and forth in our house and I seem to have gotten some of it and haven't been feeling 100% since Saturday so this weekend was pretty low-key.  I did take Lena (oh yeah, by the way, we got a puppy for Christmas) for a walk yesterday.  We went for a two mile walk and my lungs were not at all happy.  It is really sad that 9 degrees feels warm to me lately.  

13 week old Lena - she loves to bite, jump and pee on the floor, but we still love her
  So, on to the change in plans.  We've been doing the American Cancer Society "Active for Life" challenge at work.  It is a 10-Week team challenge and we are 2 weeks in with week 3 starting today.  We have 33 people on our team, which is pretty awesome.  We've been trying to come up with a few group activities that we can do together and there are quite a few runners on the team.  A few of the ladies on our team are training together to run the Minneapolis Half Marathon in June.  They tried talking me into it a few weeks ago and I quickly turned them down thinking that June was too soon and I wouldn't be able to do it.  Last week, one of the people running it asked me again and I started thinking a bit more about it.  I looked at the website on Saturday night and saw this
The course is open for 3 hours and 30 minutes and it is a walker-friendly event.  I can do this!  My only goal is to finish, I'm not going to worry about pace/time, just going to focus on making it 13.1 miles.

I'm going to wait and see how this goes before signing up for the Monster Dash Half Marathon, but I think I'd like to do both of them, that way my entire year is pretty much planned out with goals to reach.    

My co-workers are following the Jeff Galloway training plan so I am going to follow that one as well.  I really like it because there is only one long run each week and when the miles start increasing it really becomes a long run every other week.

So training starts today with an off day.  I'm looking forward to a challenge, I desperately need them to keep me motivated, it is so easy for me to start making excuses to not be active if I don't have a goal to work towards.   

Anyone want to join me???  :-)  If I can do it, anyone can do it!

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