Friday, December 7, 2012

Half Way - 93 Pounds Gone

This week I hit an exciting milestone in my weight loss journey, I have passed the half way mark.  I have a goal of losing 183 pounds and as of this morning, I am down 93 pounds, currently weighing in at 262.0.

October and November were rough months.  I didn't make much progress and was stuck in a rut.  Once I completed the Twin Cities 10K, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with myself and to be honest, I thought I'd feel a lot more satisfaction from completing that race than I actually did so I found myself feeling a bit depressed.

I have been reading "Made to Crave" as I have mentioned many times before.  I'm almost through the book and reading it has helped me so much.  I'm going to be dedicating a full post to that once I finish.

I managed to not go completely crazy with eating over Thanksgiving, but still managed to gain about 4 pounds.  I re-gained and lost the same 4 pounds over and over again since then, but I think they are finally gone now. 

I'm hoping to have some new progress pictures up at some point this weekend.  I've been training for the Polar Dash 5K on New Years Day.  I've been doing pretty much all of my training runs on the treadmill and I need to be brave and get outside one of these days so that my lungs get used to running in the cold.  It is just so hard to find a time when it isn't completely dark….I'm not a fan of bats swooping around my head. 

Life has just been busy with Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas and all fun activities that that entails.  James and I were standing by our refrigerator looking at something last night and I asked what the date was and he referenced the dry erase weekly family planner that I bought in an attempt to be somewhat organized with our comings and goings as well as meal plans.  It still shows the week of November 11th, my last post was November 17th.  I kind of feel like I've been treading water trying to stay afloat since then. 

So, rather than give you all the details on what I've been up to, here are a few pictures.  

Nickelodeon Universe Birthday Fun!

 Turtley Awesome

Too much excitement...he missed out on some good Fro-Yo

 I replaced the bathtub faucet valve all by myself

First snowfall the day after Thanskgiving 

Visiting some sheep on my Aunt and Uncle's farm 

 AmericInn Slumber Party!

3rd Birthday Party....he wasn't too excited about the picture

Thanks for reading (and for being patient), hopefully I'll be back with another post in less than three weeks.  

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