Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Beginnings

I might actually get into a routine for writing blog posts some day, but for now, you get my random bits of leftover time....which isn't much.  So here are a couple of quick updates.

Today is the first day of my new job with IT.  I'm writing this on my lunch break and so far so good!  I was welcomed with some beautiful flowers, a nice note and a fun message on my calendar.  Since I haven't always been 100% sure that taking this job was the best decision, I was happy to come in and see this.  I am very excited to learn new things!

After hearing a message about Toxic Thoughts at church last weekend and doing some reading in Pastor Bob's book, 7 Simple Choices for a Better Tomorrow, I decided to take a leap of faith and sign up for the TC 10K.  I had pretty much completely talked myself out of running it after my last blog entry, convinced that I would never be able to do it.  It is just one of the many lies I have told myself, I can do it and will be doing it...it may not be a great time, but I will complete the race!  

I have started the training and completed my first long run on Saturday after church.  I had 5 miles on the calendar and was able to run all but about 3/4 miles of it.  I am going to have to fight for it and continue to rely on God to give me the strength to do it.  I'm confident that He is the one that wants me to do this, so I am trusting that he will be faithful in helping me complete it.

I've been diligent about tracking my calories on MyFitnessPal, sometimes it is a guessing game, but I always try to over estimate.  Since I've started tracking I'm down about 5 pounds, so it is nice to see progress again.  It hasn't even been that difficult to resist things that I know I shouldn't have, so I'm very thankful for that.  I just keep hearing 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 running through my head and it is a reminder that what I put in my body and what I do with my body needs to glorify God.  I've always known this, but haven't always done a good job remembering it. 

I have a lot more that I could and would like to say, but this is about all the time I have for today.  Thanks for reading!


  1. I love love love MFP, it is such a great tool if you use it! I am doing my first 5k on Sept 29 - I hope I can someday get up to your 10k! :) Good job and keep running!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I love being MFP buddies, it is good motivation. Good luck on your 5K!
