Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Playing in the Mud

I suppose an actual update is in order, it has been far to long.  I really don't understand how life can be so busy when I don't even have kids in school yet and none of them are in any activities...

Weight Loss:  I really wish I had some progress to report here, but I really don't.  I've been loosing and gaining the same stinking 5 pounds for the last two months and it is getting really annoying.  I somehow manage to loose weight when I'm not exercising, but as soon as I start exercising again, the weight comes right back on.  I'm starting to track my calories with My Fitness Pal to try and figure out what the crap is going on because I am very frustrated.  I'm finding it really difficult to find healthy food options that can be prepared quickly and with little effort and don't require frequent trips to the grocery store.  Any recommendations are completely welcomed (and encouraged!).   

Running:  Again, frustration.  I just can't seem to improve my pace and I would really like to.  I've been getting out for a run at least 3 days a week on a pretty regular basis and have been trying to do a long run/walk on Saturday mornings.  I've been doing a 3 to 3.5 mile jog followed by a 1.5 to 2 mile walk and ending up around 5 miles.  I'm toying with the idea of signing up for the TC 10K in October.  It seems like somewhat of a lofty goal, but I think I might just go for it and have something to work towards.  James reminded me that people who have been running for quite some time work for months to shave seconds off of their times.  I would just really like to run a consistant 12:00 mile pace, that is still really slow, but it would be significant for me.   

Dirty Girl: Soooo much fun!  I loved it and am looking forward to next year.  It was really empowering for me to be able to do all of the obstacles, including the wall, which I was really thinking I wouldn't be able to get over.  I really think every woman should do it at least once.  My toes still have traces of mud (a week out) but no amount of scrubbing seems to be getting rid of it.

Here are a few pictures of the fun

Me Before

Group Before

James and I after

He came to show his support and got some muddy hugs at the end.  His car is still covered in mud because the little place they had to rinse off didn't really look like a pleasant option since I was already cold, so I decided to just head home and take a warm shower to get cleaned off.

Job: After much thought, prayer and soul searching, I decided to accept a different position within Fairview.  I'll be starting with our IT team as a Senior Analyst on the Acute EHR team in September.  I was burnt out on Epic after all of our go-lives so my current position writing reports and analyzing data for periop was a welcome change, but I found myself missing being in the IT realm.  I'm going to miss Periop, since it is really all I know, but I'm looking forward to learning something new and learning more about myself. 

We're headed on our first camping trip as a family of 5 this week, so prayers for pleasant weather and patience on everyone's part would be appreciated!  I'm hoping to have some great stories when we return.    


1 comment:

  1. Tammy - I absolutely LOVE myfitnesspal. Feel free to friend me if you want! aclay29
