Monday, January 1, 2018

To Those People Entering the Gym for the First Time in a Long While (and some reminders for the regulars)

So you've made a resolution to finally get healthy and make a habit out of going to the gym and monitor your food intake.  I've made a resolution to write more, so let me be the first to say, Go You!!!  I hope you enjoy this new life and find that you are filled with more energy and less stress.  I have been in your shoes and I know how much making fitness a regular part of your life can provide an outlet on stressful days.  You can do it, you can be successful.  I have kept up a routine of getting some form of exercise 3 to 4 days a week for over 5 years and I don't really see an end in site because it has just become a part of who I am.   

I know there are naysayers out there.  There are regular gym goers who are waiting for you to fail because your mere presence is cramping their style simply because they might need to wait a few more minutes for the treadmill or leg press.  They might make rude comments or give you the stink eye.  Ignore them.  'Cause the thing about the gym is that there is always an asshole guy there that thinks he is better than you.  Don't let him win.

Let me give you a few tips to make your entry into the gym a little smoother and make those regulars think you're there all the time.  

  • Skip the selfies - I know you're excited to spread the news about your new habit, and that's great, please do!  Letting people in on your new habit will help you stay motivated.  Just don't do it while you're actually working out.  It is REALLY annoying when the gym is packed and you're waiting for a machine while someone is taking 50 pictures trying to get the perfect angle and not actually using said machine.  
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  • Put your weights back - I love that you can bench those big 45lb plates, but for the love of all things holy, don't leave them on the rack when you're done. No one wants to put your crap away.  Use those big muscles to do it!  
Person Holding Black Barbell
  • Take your workout seriously - It is ok to have fun and experiment, but don't be an idiot.  Use the equipment properly, if you don't know how, ask someone who works there or someone who looks friendly.  If you are there to work out, then work out.  If you want to gab with your friends, go to the bar (but not a concert, cause that will inspire a rant of its own). 
Man Lying on Rubber Mat Near Barbell Inside the Gym
  • Leave me alone - You see that mom with the headphones on avoiding eye contact with everyone....she doesn't want to talk to you, I promise.  The gym is her sacred space.  It is the only place she doesn't have to answer a bajillion questions or do anything for anyone else.  This is her "me time", don't ruin it by trying to make a new friend.  I'm sure you're lovely and all, but just let her have this time. 
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  • You aren't there to rate other people's bodies - This is mostly for men, but I'm sure a few women are guilty too.  Don't be a pervert.  Talking about other people's bodies as they are their to workout, whether that be praise or criticism, is uncalled for and just downright childish.  I recently heard two guys discussing a young woman's butt as she was doing glute kickbacks.  I'll admit that I was a little bit jealous, but it was obvious that she worked her ass off to get that way and it was to make her a better athlete, not so old men could drool over it.  Respecting hard work is fine, but keep your comments to yourself and don't stare, it's just gross.  If I can tell by the googling eyes what thoughts are running through your head as you look like a lion about to pounce on prey, you need to dial it WAAAY back. 
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  • Be mindful of your space in the locker room - There is one bench with multiple lockers, do the math and use the space wisely.  Don't spread your crap out all over the place so no one else can make use of it. 
Grey Metal Lockers Is Open
  • Set realistic goals - If you weren't going to the gym before January 1st at all, getting up at 5am and going every day might be a bit of a stretch.  Start small and build from there.  Maybe shoot for 3 days a week to start and once you feel comfortable with that, add a couple more days.  Check out my Life Change Philosophy page for other ideas on making your new lifestyle successful.  

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Do these things and I'll think you'll find that those scary people at the gym really are quite nice and want to see you succeed.  They will be your silent cheerleaders as they watch you grow and change.  Hard work pays off and it is inspiring as hell to witness.  Go inspire someone today! 

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