Friday, May 17, 2013

Trust and Trial

Happy Friday!

I hope all you moms had a great Mother's Day last weekend.  I had a busy, but good day with my family and kiddos.

There was a lot of food and a lot of treats had and I was pretty much exhausted at the end of the day, but I had 4  miles on the schedule.  I headed downstairs around 9:00pm to hit the treadmill and as soon as I turned it on, I got the lube belt notification and it wouldn't work until I did that.  I almost threw in the towel multiple times while trying to get the belt loosened and tightened up again, but I stuck with it and finally got to running around 9:45pm.  Despite all the extra work of getting the treadmill up and running and the exhaustion, I knocked out my fastest mile (10:00...slow for some, fast for me) which was part of my fastest 5K (34:32).  I'm glad I stuck with it.

Monday I met with a Physical Therapist as part of the medical weight loss program I started through a physician.  It was really comforting because she told me I'm doing everything I should be doing and that the only thing she recommended was mixing things up a bit by taking a spin class or something like that.  She was pleased that I started weight training and thinks that if I keep doing that I should reach my goal. 

Tuesday night was gorgeous and I got in a good run outside and then headed to the gym for a quick lift.  I snapped a quick picture at the gym because I was pretty excited about fitting into an XL outfit off of the clearance rack.

Wednesday I had an appointment with the physician at the weight loss clinic to review my blood work from two week ago.  As she was reviewing my results, she closed out of my chart and went back in.  She said she had to double check and make sure she was in the right place in the right chart because she hasn't seen cholesterol levels that good in a really long time.  

 My cholesterol has dropped 46 points since 2007, which was when I was at my heaviest.  She did let me know that I have a Vitamin D deficiency, so I have a prescription supplement that I have to take twice a week.  It is 50,000 units, which is an insane amount, but I will hopefully only have to take it for 8 weeks and we're hoping that once we get those levels under control, I'll feel much better.  I have lost 7 pounds between my two appointments and she was generally excited to see progress because most of their patients don't show any during the first two weeks.  As of this morning, I'm down a total of 110 pounds!  I'm so excited that the scale is moving again! 

I did my long run today since the weekend doesn't really work anymore due to some schedule changes.  I woke up to the sound of raindrops and almost talked myself out of it, but I decided that I better get used to running in the rain in case it rains on the day of the race.  It didn't go quite as well as I wanted it to, but my standards are always really high, so I was still quite pleased at the end. 

I switched things up a bit and rather than listening to music, I decided to listen to some sermons since that always works well when I'm on the treadmill.  I listened to the first three sermons in the "God's Will is Whatever" series from Elevation Church.  If you ever struggle with questioning whether or not the decisions you make are God's will or not, I highly recommend listening to the messages in this series.  The overall message is that as long as you are walking in God's ways, you are in His will.

I stopped to take a picture of the North St. Paul snowman (he was taunting me, I swear ;-) ) and my phone freaked out and rebooted so my tracking is split in two with a little bit of a gap.  I manually put them together and this was the total outcome of my run this morning. 

That is a pretty decent calorie burn

The pace is about a minute slower than I am shooting for on the 2nd, but I feel prepared for my first half marathon.  I'm hoping that with all of the excitement of it being race day and with the pacer teams, I'll be able to finish right around 3:00.  It felt so good to finish knowing that I completed the entire distance that I set out for today.  14 miles was on the schedule, but after my long run last two weeks ago, I decided that I probably shouldn't increase from 11 miles to 14 miles and settled on 13.  I didn't run the entire thing, but I only took short walk breaks here and there after mile five.

I brought Jelly Belly Sport Beans and Gatorade with this time based on some recommendations from a couple of other runner friends and it made things so much better.  I will be sticking with that combo in the future!

As I was on the last mile and so close to home, I started thinking about how crazy it is that I was out on a 13 mile training run that started in the rain.  It was even more crazy that I finished it.  Just the simple fact that I set this goal shows amazing progress for me mentally and emotionally.  I spent so many years of my life being so paralyzed by fear of failure that I never even attempted things unless I was sure I would succeed.  I had no idea if I was going to be able to move this body for 13 miles, but I needed to try.  You will never know what you are capable of and what God is able to do if you don't trust in Him and give it a try.  Even if you fail, God will turn it around and use it for good, it is a win-win! 

I may have cried a few tears of joy as I ran the last tenth of a mile to my front door.  For the first time in a long time, I was proud of myself.

I switched to music during the last three miles and this song was on at the end of my run and it was so perfect

So, what is it that you are too afraid to do?  Take the leap of faith and get out there and do it!   

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