Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Marching We Will Go

Today I joined nearly 60,000 100,000 women in St. Paul, our state capital and the city I call home, in the Women's March.  I marched with my daughter, my nieces, my sister (in law...but it may as well be blood) and my friends.  Strong women who I am proud to know. 

This isn't the first time I've used my feet to stand up for things I believe in, but it is the first time I've ever been a part of a march or demonstration of any kind.  I'm not typically one to take a firm stance on things.  I don't like to draw lines.  I like to build bridges.  I'm almost always able to find common ground or understand opposing view points.  I like to spend my time and energy on doing things that will make a difference, rather than just spewing hurtful and hateful words.

But today, today I needed to be a part of a bigger statement. 

Today I needed my daughter to know that women are a force to be reckoned with.  Especially when they join hearts, hands and minds.  I believe that this generation of women will change the world. 

Today I needed my daughter to know that you can take a stand for something you believe in without being hateful.  You can show up with a great big heart and have tears rolling down your eyes as you watch thousands of beautiful people unite over something incredibly important. 

Today I needed my daughter to know that she is not alone.  She is one of 60,000 100,000 in our city alone, who know a woman's worth.

Today I needed my daughter to know that when she says "no", it needs to be respected.  I pray that she will be confident enough to walk away from any man that doesn't respect her "no".  I needed her to know that the first time should be the only time it needs to be said and that any response that is met with the words "but" and "love", is devoid of the very thing it proclaims.

Today I needed my daughter to know that she is beautiful.  That no matter what her body may look like, it is precious, perfect and powerful.  I needed her to see that beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes and colors, even if she doesn't see that represented on the television or movie screen.

Today I needed my daughter to know that even though her mom is pro-life in every sense of the word, it is ok to respectfully disagree with others and still march beside them.  I needed her to know that even though I don't agree with something, I'm willing to admit that I don't have all the answers or solutions. 

Today I needed my daughter to know that being a woman should never stop her from trying or doing anything.  There is no career that she is incapable of entering without hard work because she was born with two x chromosomes. 

Today I needed my daughter to know that her body was created to do miraculous things, and she should be proud of that. 

My daughter is only 8, so she does not understand the magnitude of these things quite yet.  We haven't had the difficult conversations yet.  But when we do, I'll be able to remind her that she was a part of a historical day, where women declared that equality is more than a fancy catch phrase. 

If I'm honest, today, I needed to be reminded of these things.  As I raise an intelligent, compassionate and creative daughter, I need to model these things for her so that she will never forget her worth. 

I needed to be reminded that I can enter spaces that make me uncomfortable.  I can walk alongside people who are vastly different than me.  I can share a meal with those the world has deemed unlovable.  I can do all of these things because Jesus showed me how.  Mercy, compassion and understanding is hard to come by when you build invisible walls and focus on your differences.  But build a bridge, extend a hand, break bread together, and see how your heart swells as your love for someone unlike you grows and you begin to see that you really aren't that different after all. 

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