Sunday, August 18, 2013


It has been a very fun, very busy week.  As I sit here on Sunday afternoon after my long run for the week (4 miles), my house is quiet (a rare, treasured moment) as EVERYONE is getting in a much needed nap. 

Here is a quick recap:

Monday - I went for a run in the morning after dropping the kids off.  Tried to get caught up on stuff at home

Tuesday - James and I went out to celebrate my birthday.  We went to The Blue Door Pub, I had a Blucy (best burger ever....I haven't met another that comes anywhere near the caliber of this burger) and a Farm Girl Saison.  Burgers and beer are my preferred birthday meal, I'm low brow, and I'm ok with that.  Then we ventured over to Izzy's for an ice cream cone.  I had a scoop of Oreo with a Mint Izzy.  It was the first time we'd been to Izzy's.  It was ok, but I still prefer Sebastian Joe's (the Pavarotti is my favorite).  We had a nice evening out and got a little bit of a walk in.

Wednesday - My birthday!  I started the day bright and early with a nice run at 6:00am and then headed to work for non-stop meetings.  I headed home to have a quick dinner with the family and then off to Bible Study.

Thursday - I had a busy day at work and Rage had his last day of Occupational Therapy.  My mom came over because I was supposed to have a meeting that night that ended up getting cancelled, which was nice, because I needed a night at home.  I did 3 miles on the treadmill at about 10pm.  It was a "hard" run day but I was pretty exhausted.  I still tried to push myself even though I wasn't feeling that great.  I guess I pushed myself a little bit too hard at the end because I ended up puking as soon as I hopped off the treadmill.  

Friday - I went to the gym for weight training after I dropped the kiddos off and then came home and worked.  We went to a dinner party that evening with family.

Saturday - My mom came up mid morning and helped out with the kids.  I cleaned and organized our bathroom, which was much needed.  My mom folded some clothes and cleaned our kitchen floor.  She is always so much help!  She stayed and watched the kiddos so we could go to James' cousin's wedding.  It was really fun to have a night out with other grown ups and no kiddos.  The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. 

Today - I volunteered bright and early at church this morning.  I spent about an hour with around 20 toddlers and got to teach them about God providing water for the Israelites by telling Moses to hit a rock.  Our God is a pretty awesome.  James met me at church so we could go to the next service and then we headed home for lunch and nap time.

As I entered a new year of my life this week, I thought about what 31 brought and what I hope to accomplish as a 32 year old.  Here are my big goals for the next year:

  • Finish my 2nd half marathon in under 3:00. (Very realistic (I was soooo close last time), very attainable, but enough to keep me pushing through my training runs)
  • Make it to "One-derland".  A 1 at the front of the scale would be the bee's knees but will require a lot of hard work since my body seems to be very comfortable where it is at right now.
  • Go on a short-term mission trip to Haiti
  • Offer more encouragement to my husband an my kids and focus more on the positives and less on the negatives
  • Be the one to say "Good Morning" - This one God gave me on my run and I think it means more than saying "good morning", but I'm still figuring it out.  It has to do with me getting outside of my comfort zone in communicating face to face with other people.  I typically wait for someone to say something to me because I don't feel like anyone would want to have a conversation with me, but I'm going to start taking the first step more often.

I'll try to update on each of these frequently, but the house is suddenly not so peaceful anymore and I have a two year old who needs his mommy.

Have a great week!


  1. Sounds like life to the full to me! :)
    Yay for going to Haiti and the rest of your goals.
    p.s. You look smokin' hot in that dress. I can say that, right?!

    1. Kari - Thank you ;-) I think it is totally ok to say that :-) I live a pretty great life and I'm excited for this year!
